Cigars 101, Cigar Graduates, Reviews, Top Pick, Hot Finds

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cigar Grads 4 - Ash Woes


   Welcome to this ashy edition of Cigar Graduates. This time I'm covering a behavior of cigar smoking that many of you have probably noticed already. Unusual burns. There are a number of burn patterns that can develop for various reasons but the most common reasons are (1) the cigar was poorly made or (2) the cigar was stored improperly. I have heard may times that a well made and properly stored cigar will burn straight and even. However, you or I can read all we want but nothing tells all like experience. I've smoked hundreds of cigars and can give you a remedy for some of those burn misfits. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cigar Grads 3 - Dry Climate Humidity Control.

   By now you've already got your humidor seasoned and working. However, being a humidor owner has its ups and downs. Even though your humidor is stable the moment, there will be occasions where it will mysteriously loose containment or fluctuate. This entry will explain and inform you about why your humidor is doing this and what you can do about it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cigar Grads 2 - Keeping a Journal

    Welcome to the second edition of Cigar Graduates. This topic focuses on why it might be good to keep a journal and how it can help you learn your tastes. Let me begin by saying this is by no means an expectation of a cigar enthusiast, it is simply personal choice. Smoking a cigar is purely for enjoyment and it should stay that way, however if you want to learn how to "read" a cigar you might want to stay tuned!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Flint's Pick of The Week - 3

Cigar Grads 1 - Box Pressed Cigars

    Hello and welcome to the first installment of Cigar Graduates. From here on out we will discuss topics that go a bit further than cigar basics. This week is the ever argued subject of box pressed vs round. Do you know the difference? You might as far as knowing how they differ in appearance, but appearance is only part of the difference. Let me start off with explaining square, or box pressed, cigars.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Flint's Pick of the Week - 2

Flint's Pick of the Week - 2

Cigars 101.6 - Humidors

    Hello and welcome to my sixth installment of Cigars 101. This is what many of you venture aficionados have been waiting for. Humidors and what it takes to own one. Let's get straight to the point.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Cigars 101.5 - Brands? Eeny Meeny Miny Moe...

   Hello everyone and welcome to number five in my Cigars 101 series. Believe it or not, this week's topic was supposed to be about humidors. But because of a little cigar shopping I was doing with a buddy of mine, it became clear to me that this is a more valuable subject for the new guy. Thanks Rick!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cigars 101.4 - Cutters, Lighters, and Cases

    Hello and welcome to my fourth installment of the Cigars 101 series. This week is all about accessories. There are many to choose from and because of the large number of options, it can be difficult to decide. Let's start with the most obvious and important accessory.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cigars 101.3 - Size, Shape, and Shade

    Hello and welcome to my third Installment of Cigars 101. This week I will be talking about the intimidating subject of all the different sizes, shapes, and shades that cigars can come in. You will be relieved to know that it is really quite simple. 

Cigars 101.2 - Etiquette

   Welcome to the second installment of Cigars 101. In this "Etiquette" topic, I will cover the in's and out's of cigar do's and don'ts. Feel free to ask questions and leave comments!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cigars 101.1 - Getting Started

    Welcome to my first installment of the Cigars 101 series where I will introduce new comers to this tasty hobby. Whether you’re getting your feet wet in beginning your aficionado venture or just here because you're curious, I guarantee you will get what you need. With each installment I will give you facts and tips about cigars, diving deeper into detail with each topic. There is also an FAQ section below with some commonly asked questions.